You Do Not Have a Weight Problem!

Honest, you really do not have a weight problem.  You may have a problem with your weight but that is only a symptom; a symptom of the real problem.  Trying to lose weight without addressing the cause of the real problem will not work.  You may lose a few pounds for a while, but until you address what is actually causing you to gain and retain your weight, the pounds will always come back until you address the real problem.

There are three reasons that cause you, me, and everybody else to gain weight:  We are toxic, we are stressed, and we are in pain.  If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to address these issues because at least one of them, if not all of them, is always the real problem.


We Are Toxic

Every day, we are exposed to over 84,000 chemicals and heavy metals in the air, water, and food ( We are all toxic to some extent, it is unavoidable.   In order to protect us, our body uses our fat to encapsulate these toxins and store them, mostly around our bellies. So the more toxic we are, the more weight we gain.

It is difficult if not impossible for a toxic body to lose weight, which means that if you are going to lose weight you need to be less toxic.  When you consume fewer toxins and eliminate more toxins, your body will eventually let the fat go and you will lose weight.  This means you need to eat less bad stuff and more good stuff, less toxic foods and more toxic fighting foods.


We are Stressed

When we are under stress, our body is craving comfort. And what is more comfortable than comfort food? Eating can make us feel better. Stress can also lead to nervous eating and bad food choices. None of us makes good choices when we are under stress, and that is why we tend to gain weight every December.

Stress not only attacks us mentally but also physically. In fact, up to 80% of all chronic illnesses are likely caused or aggravated by stress.  Prolonged stress will result in hormonal imbalance, and that will affect how your metabolism functions and how you use food for fuel.   It will affect whether your food gets stored or burned, whether you feel hungry or full, and whether you experience cravings or not.  It will affect your mood, and even your motivation to exercise.

You live in a stressful world, so it is difficult to reduce your exposure to stress.  However, you can reduce the effects of hormonal imbalances on your body and support your metabolism, both by what you eat and the things that you do.  As your hormones balance, you are reducing the impact of stress on your body, and you will be able to lose weight.


We are in Pain

We are in pain because we spend most of the day sitting on our butts – at our desk, in our car, on the couch, etc. Our bodies are designed to move, and when we don’t move all sorts of bad things happen to us, and the worst is inflammation.

Inflammation occurs throughout the body, but it is the inflammation in the muscles and joints that cause pain. And when you are in pain, you don’t want to move. And when you don’t move, that results in more inflammation. And inflammation causes pain in the muscles and joints. And so on in a viscous circle.  And with the pain comes the gain -as in weight gain.

When you reduce your inflammation you reduce your pain, and that will allow you to move more. The more you move, the less inflammation, and the less pain.  The less pain you have the more weight you will be able to lose.


Let’s Turn it Around

Since you gained weight by being toxicstressed, and in pain, it would make sense that you will lose that weight by reversing the process.

Here is how you can do that:

1.Eat Better by reducing the amount of toxins going into your body and increasing your consumption of toxin-fighting foods. Eat less of the foods that slow you down, and more of the superfoods that give you super energy.

Stay away from ingredients such as trans fats, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and MSG.  These are toxic, addicting, and there are really no safe levels of consumption.

My wife Dr. Barb Keck recommends a diet of at least 50% raw fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds to fight toxins, balance your hormones, and to reduce inflammation and pain in your muscles and joints.  You will feel better and you will look better.

2.Move More to reduce the effects of toxicity, stress and inflammation on your body. You don’t need to go to the gym or buy any special equipment.  Just stay active and do the things you enjoy doing.  Everybody can move more doing the things they like to do.  The secret is to do something every day and have fun, so you keep doing it.  As soon as we get moving all sorts of wonderful things happen automatically.

3.Get Help because change can be difficult so our minds don’t like change. They want us to be happy and comfortable; however weight loss takes commitment and effort, so our minds try to take us out.  If you want to take control of your weight you need to gain control of your mind.

If you know WHY you want to lose weight, it will make the HOW way easier.  I work with my clients in the Drop Zone Healthy Weight program to discover the reason WHY they want to lose weight and encourage them to tell the universe everyday exactly what they want and WHY they want it.  For example, “I want to lose 20 pounds, so I can fit into my jeans”.  This is a simple and very effective way to stay focused and motivated.

Eating Better, Moving More, and Getting Help are the simple strategies that will reduce the amount of toxins in your body, reduce the effects of stress on your body, and reduce the amount of pain you are experiencing.   By treating the three Causes of your weight gain, you will eliminate the symptom, which is the extra pounds.

You will stop the struggle and take control of your weight.




If you’re READY to start your journey towards losing 20 lbs and keep it off forever, then James Keck, author of the book Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER: The Secret to Weight Loss for Life is ready to share much of his knowledge with you for….FREE!

Start your journey NOW and NEVER again will your weight hold you back from doing anything you’ve want to before. Take advantage of any one of these FREE offers:

Download a FREE digital version of James’ book Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER NOW!

Register today for an upcoming seminar for FREE 3 Secrets To Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER NOW!

If you’re ready to jump to the front of the line and get direct help from James Keck himself and if you are committed to successfully losing weight and keeping it OFF forever, then this transformational FREE Consultation is for YOU!

The Magic Number for Weight Loss

The title of my first book is Lose 20 Lbs, KEEP IT OFF FOREVER, so naturally, the most common question people ask me is, why should I lose 20 pounds? Why not 30 pounds? Why not 50? And the answer is, when it comes to weight, 20 pounds is the magic number. As soon as we lose 20 pounds, so many positive changes happen immediately to our bodies.

Physically, we feel better because there is less stress on our joints and muscles, and we have more energy. We look better because our skin is clear and our features are more defined. We feel better about ourselves when we look in the mirror and feel fantastic when we fit into our jeans.

But the real magic of losing 20 pounds happens inside our bodies. In America, 33% of us are obese, and another 33% are overweight and are already exhibiting symptoms of obesity. For these people, it is usually just a matter of time unless changes are made, and change is hard. That is why so many of us are overweight and obese, and that is why that number keeps growing very year.

As soon as you lose 20 pounds, your body starts to heal itself. You lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, and even some cancers. You lower your blood pressure and cholesterol with no drugs!

Whatever you weigh now and however much weight you want to lose, 20 pounds will significantly reduce your health risks and make huge positive changes in your life.

Weight Is the First Step toward Wellness

In the last 25 years, the average American has gained over 20 pounds, and this extra weight is literally killing us.

Weight-related diseases are preventable and even reversible. If you or someone you love has high blood pressure or high cholesterol, drugs will not solve their problem. Drugs may temporarily lower blood pressure or cholesterol levels, but they only relieve the symptoms of the disease and do not actually solve the issue. The problem is caused by extra weight, and the only way to solve the problem is to lose that weight.

Even though we know on some level that losing the extra weight will help us, it is easy to put off actually starting a program, and our minds will come up with all sorts of reasons to justify that decision. The decision to lose weight is not to be taken lightly because it is a life-altering commitment, and the longer you put it off, the harder it becomes.

Losing 20 pounds makes you look better and feel better. It allows you to do the things you love to do, maybe go for walks again, travel, or play with your children or grandchildren. And best of all, once you learn the strategies for losing 20 pounds, you can use these same strategies to continue to lose as many pounds as you desire and keep them off forever. You will take control of your weight and your health.


If you’re READY to start your journey towards losing 20 lbs and keep it off forever, then James Keck, author of the book Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER: The Secret to Weight Loss for Life is ready to share much of his knowledge with you for….FREE!

Start your journey NOW and NEVER again will your weight hold you back from doing anything you’ve want to before. Take advantage of any one of these FREE offers:

Download a FREE digital version of James’ book Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER NOW!

Register today for an upcoming seminar for FREE 3 Secrets To Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER NOW!

If you’re ready to jump to the front of the line and get direct help from James Keck himself and if you are committed to successfully losing weight and keeping it OFF forever, then this transformational FREE Consultation is for YOU!

The Secret to Weight Loss for Everyone

No one plans to gain weight, but in order to lose weight successfully you ARE going to need a plan. And that plan has to be SIMPLE, NATURAL, and PERMANENT. Let me explain what I mean by that:

First, losing weight has to be simple because simple works. Most weight loss plans are confusing and complicated because there’s way too much measuring and counting. They are frustrating, they can be really expensive, and most of the time, you don’t even lose a pound. Simple works because when you perform small simple changes every day, they multiply and they create huge results.

And weight loss must be natural. You can’t lose weight with a pill or a gimmick. Well, maybe you can lose a few pounds but they will not stay off. Natural means what is natural for YOU. We are all unique, so we need to do what works for us. You need to eat the foods that you enjoy and do the things that you love to do because that is the only way you will keep doing those things. A healthy life is not a gimmick or a fad, it is a lifestyle.

And weight loss needs to be permanent because when we lose weight, we also lose fat and muscle, but when we gain it back, we are putting on mostly fat, so every time you lose weight and you back up again, you are getting fatter and less healthy.

Diet and Exercise Are Not Enough

There are hundreds of weight loss plans out there, and some of them actually help people lose weight. The plans that work usually have two things in common, diet and exercise. You eat less, workout more, and the fat melts off, right? Of course not! If it was that simple, we would all be looking fit and fabulous. Diet and exercise are important but they are not enough, and the reason why they are not enough is all in our heads!

Sometimes our minds are not our friends. They want to protect us and make sure we are happy and comfortable, but weight loss is not happy and comfortable, it takes commitment and effort so our minds take us out.

We are not happy when we diet because we feel that we deny ourselves the food we enjoy. So our minds reassure us and tell us, “Don’t worry, as soon as these diets are over, you can eat as much you want”, and we do because our minds have given us permission. Our minds are telling us that our diet is only temporary, and that makes it unsustainable.

So what should we do? Well, since our minds want us to be happy, and eating makes us happy, we need to just forget about diets. The secret is that we have to EAT BETTER instead. Eating better allows our minds to support us instead of struggle against us. Everybody can eat better and still eat the foods they enjoy.

Eating better means that you eat less bad stuff and more good stuff. Eat less of the foods that slow you down and stress you out, and more of the super foods that give you super energy and super health. You don’t need to eat perfect, you just need to eat better. We all need to eat better. Diets are temporary, eating better is forever.

And our minds can really make exercise a struggle, can’t it? Even when we know what’s good for us, our minds try to take us out. That little voice in my head is always trying to talk me into taking a day off from the gym, saying things like, “You’ve been really good this week, Jim. You deserve a reward.” Does that sound familiar? But even though our minds try to talk us out of exercise, they know that there are all sorts of activities that we love to do, and our minds want us to be happy, so we need to forget about exercise and just MOVE MORE.

Everybody can move more doing the things they love to do. You don’t need to lift weights or buy a special exercise program. You don’t need to do anything you don’t enjoy doing, but you do need to move more. The secret is to do things you like to do, do them every day, and make sure to have fun so you keep doing them.

Stop the Struggle

Eating better and moving more are great ways  to get our minds working for us instead of against us. It’s not the diet or exercise we struggle with, it is our minds! If we want to take control of our weight, we need to gain control of our minds. That is why this plan is simple, natural, and permanent.

This is a simple plan because remember, simple works. Eating better and moving more are simple steps that everyone can do every day. You are not making drastic changes to your diet and your life; you are making small simple adjustments that your mind will encourage and sustain. And it is these simple adjustments that will create the huge changes that will last a lifetime.

This is a natural, personalized way to lose weight because you are eating the foods you enjoy and doing the things you love to do. This simple mind shift from diet and exercise transforms your mind from scarcity to abundance, from struggle to support.

And it is not enough to just lose the weight. You need to keep it off, and you do that by repeating these small, simple, natural changes every day because that will create a habit. And when you create the habits of eating better and moving more, you are ingraining these simple natural lifestyle adjustments into your subconsciousness. It is the creation of these habits that make weight loss permanent. This is how you will never have to struggle with your weight again.

If you are interested in receiving a FREE consultation with me, please go to my website at

James Keck is the author of “Lose 20 Lbs KEEP IT OFF FOREVER” and the creator of the Drop Zone Healthy Weight program.


If you’re READY to start your journey towards losing 20 lbs and keep it off forever, then James Keck, author of the book Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER: The Secret to Weight Loss for Life is ready to share much of his knowledge with you for….FREE!

Start your journey NOW and NEVER again will your weight hold you back from doing anything you’ve want to before. Take advantage of any one of these FREE offers:

Download a FREE digital version of James’ book Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER NOW!

Register today for an upcoming seminar for FREE 3 Secrets To Lose 20 Lbs & KEEP IT OFF FOREVER NOW!

If you’re ready to jump to the front of the line and get direct help from James Keck himself and if you are committed to successfully losing weight and keeping it OFF forever, then this transformational FREE Consultation is for YOU!