You Do Not Have a Weight Problem!
Honest, you really do not have a weight problem. You may have a problem with your weight but that is only a symptom; a symptom of the real problem. Trying to lose weight without addressing the cause of the real problem will not work. You may lose a few pounds for a while, but until […]
The Magic Number for Weight Loss
A lot of people have been asking me why they should lose 20 lbs, why not 30, 40, or 50? There is a specific reason why and you should read my article to find out.
The Secret to Weight Loss for Everyone
No one plans to gain weight, but in order to lose weight successfully you ARE going to need a plan. And that plan has to be SIMPLE, NATURAL, and PERMANENT. Let me explain what I mean by that: First, losing weight has to be simple because simple works. Most weight loss plans are confusing and […]