Most Weight Loss Plans are confusing, complicated, expensive, and very frustrating because even if you somehow do manage to lose a few pounds, they come right back on.
James created this program because no one should have to struggle to take control of their weight. Drop Zone Healthy Weight helps everyone lose weight simply, naturally, and permanently.
This program is designed to help people lose up to 20 pounds in 2 months, but most importantly it teaches the tools everyone can use to lose as much weight as they want and keep it off.

- This program will help you recognize where you are at now and understand where you want to be and how you are going to get there. We will identify what has been holding you back.
- You will create a customized action plan that fits you and will focus on your goals and your success, and every week James will help you build on those successes.
- You will master the tools and strategies that will allow you to lose as much weight, whenever you want, and keep it off forever.
- The program includes membership in our private Facebook community where you will be able to connect with other Drop Zone Students and Alumni, access a variety of resources, learn from other members, and share your successes. THIS IS LIFETIME ACCESS.
- You will also have direct email access to James during the entire program, a one-on-one partnership that will increase your chances of success dramatically.
Drop Zone Healthy Weight is designed to walk you through the weight loss process step by step. This is more than a plan, this is a proven weight loss strategy and James will be there with you every step of the way. We will identify your vision, articulate your goals, and create a personalized strategy to help you achieve your goals.